Best and Promising Practices in Dental Public Health
2010 CAPHD Conference Program
2010 Abstract Presentations
Register for the 2010 Conference:
James Leake Student Bursary Information 2010
The deadline to submit applications has now passed.
- Dr. Ajit Auluck and Dr. Bruce Wallace are the recipients of the 2010 bursary. Congratulations to you both.
The CAPHD conference is being held the weekend before the Canadian Public Health Association (CPHA) Centenary Conference. Visit CPHA's website for more information on their conference.
There are several oral health presentations being offered at this conference some of which are endorsed by the CAPHD:
Dr. Garry Aslanyan has organized the session Denticare, Denticaid or Business as Usual: Understanding Our Options for Future Public Policy.This session is being offered on Monday June 14th, 2010.
Ms. Kimberly Laing has organized the abstract based session titled: "Shaping the future of health in Canada: Are we doing enough to respond to oral health and oral cancer inequities? " which will be presented on Tuesday June 15th, 2010.
PLEASE NOTE: CPHA conference is a separate conference which must be registered for separately. CAPHD is only promoting endorsed oral health sessions offered at this conference.